Multimedia Information Systems

The course multimedia information aims to give an overview on multimedia information retrieval, multimedia databases and multimedia metadata. The course also took place in summer semesters in previous years. You can find a page and all the slides of the former courses here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

A large part of the course is based on the book “Visual Information Retrieval with Java and LIRE” by M. Lux and O. Marques (see here)

Slides & Exercises

(*) Use the stub class to work on exercise 4. linear search, access to the images and so on is already pre-coded and tested in one single class. Just change the feature and create a ranked list. Make sure to include lire.jar in the classpath to use the convenience methods for getting the images and L1 distance.

Grading & Project Modalities

Grading is based on 3 main factors with a 1/3 weighting each.

  1. Exercises: Do the exercises handed out through the course and finish the exercises with running a linear search on the Ferrari data set for your descriptor (see slides)
  2. Project: Choose a project in the context of (visual) information retrieval, multimedia analysis or multimedia information system and implement a solution.
  3. Project Presentation: Present your project including motivation, approach and results.

Project Topics